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Zamane Ki Sari Khushi Mil Gayi Hai Mp3 Song !FREE! Download


Listen Zamane Ki Sari Khushi Mil Hai. Free mp3 Download Zamane Ki Sari Khushi Mil Hai. Download free mp3 Zame ki saari khushi mil gayi hai mp3 to your mobile phone. List song Zame ki saari khushi mil gayi hai mp3 to your mobile phone. is $10^{ -4} imes$ larger than the one obtained by SiH$_4$ and C$_4$H. To summarize, we have computed the low-lying spectra of SiH$_4$ and C$_4$H molecules with the [*ab initio*]{} approach by combining single, double and triple excitations from the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ reference structure. Our results for the spectra of C$_4$H can be considered a benchmark for the comparison with the experimental data of the C$_4$H isotopomers $^{12}$C$^{12}$CH$_4$ and $^{13}$C$^{12}$CH$_4$. In this respect, we have presented a new set of experimental data, from which the accurate spectroscopic constants of C$_4$H are obtained. The experimental spectra of the C$_4$H isotopomers are reproduced by the theoretical ones. Our results for SiH$_4$ are in line with the previous theoretical and experimental studies. The calculated spectra of SiH$_4$ and C$_4$H do not exhibit the typical shape of the singlet-triplet transitions of polyatomic molecules, in spite of the fact that the H–Si and H–C bonds are not as strong as those of H$_2$, and that the rotational constants of both molecules are smaller than those of H$_2$. These phenomena could be related to the different topology of the potential energy surface of these molecules. We would like to thank M. A. Del Valle for a critical reading of the manuscript. We acknowledge financial support by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia under the project FIS2004-00953 and by the Ramón y Cajal program of the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Computational resources have been provided by the Supercomputing Center at Madrid (CES) and by the Generalitat de Catalunya under the be359ba680

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