Dr. Clark is very thorough and provides a wealth of informationto the relatively obscure fieldof Tibetan medicine. He alsoprovides an important translation of two of the principle tantrasinTibetan medicine, making this book one of the finest in itsgenre.
the quintessence tantras of tibetan medicine pdf download 2
Snow LionAn imprint of Shambhala Publications, Inc.HorticulturalHall300 Massachusetts AvenueBoston, Massachusetts02115www.shambhala.com Copyright 1995 Barry Clark All rightsreserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any meanswithout prior written permission from the publisher. Library ofCongress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Rgyud bi. Rtsa rgyud.EnglishQuintessence tantras of Tibetan medicine / foreword by H.H.the Dalai Lama; translated by Barry Clark.p. cm.Includesindex.eISBN 978-1-55939-775-9ISBN 1-55939-009-31. Rgyud bi. 2.Medicine, Tibetan. I. Clark, Barry, 1949- II. Rgyud bi. Ma ag rgyudstod cha. English. 1992.R127.5.R495131995615.53--dc2093-40282CIP
All outlines are presented exactly as in the root texts, exceptthat headings have been added, and,for example, in chapter two ofthe Root Tantra very brief summaries of a number of chaptershavebeen interpolated in parentheses to afford the reader a glimpseof the unique Tibetan approach tovarious syndromes and treatments.These interpolations are based on Dr. Yeshe Dondens teachingson theOral Instruction and other tantras. Interpolations in squarebrackets [ ] are taken from the BlueAquamarine commentary andSpreading Tree commentary, whilst those in parentheses ( ) arederivedfrom the oral instructions of Dr. Yeshe Donden and Dr. PemaDorje. Examples of types of medicinesused in chapter five of theRoot Tantra were taken from the Spreading Tree commentary.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My deepest heartfelt thanks are due to the lateDr. Kunga Phuntsok for his inspiration, limitlesskindness and helpespecially during the months I spent with him in Lhasa, Tibet in1987. Throughouthis eighty-six years he supremely embodied all theteachings of the Medicine Buddha. My deepestheartfelt gratitude isalso due to Dr. Yeshe Donden, my teacher of eighteen years, whotrained me withthe kindness of the Medicine Buddha himself and whoanswered countless questions to enable me toclarify many points inthe medicine tantras. To Dr. Pema Dorje, my first teacher, whoinstructed mealmost daily for seven years, I express my profoundgratitude, for his unfailing kindness, and patiencein answering mymanifold questions on the meaning of the tantras. Warmest thanksare also due to myfriends and mentors Dr. Toding Rinpoche, Dr.Pasang Yonten, and also Dr. Tsewang Tamdin forspending many hourswith me dissecting the meanings of the tantras and theircommentaries. I am alsoextremely indebted to Professor JyotirMitra, head of the department of Basic Principles of the facultyofAyurveda at Benares Hindu University, Uttar Pradesh, for hisdiligent and enthusiastic appraisal of
Dr. Clark is very thorough and provides a wealth of information\nto the relatively obscure fieldof Tibetan medicine. He also\nprovides an important translation of two of the principle tantras\ninTibetan medicine, making this book one of the finest in its\ngenre.
Snow LionAn imprint of Shambhala Publications, Inc.Horticultural\nHall300 Massachusetts AvenueBoston, Massachusetts\n02115www.shambhala.com Copyright 1995 Barry Clark All rights\nreserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means\nwithout prior written permission from the publisher. Library of\nCongress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Rgyud bi. Rtsa rgyud.\nEnglishQuintessence tantras of Tibetan medicine / foreword by H.H.\nthe Dalai Lama; translated by Barry Clark.p. cm.Includes\nindex.eISBN 978-1-55939-775-9ISBN 1-55939-009-31. Rgyud bi. 2.\nMedicine, Tibetan. I. Clark, Barry, 1949- II. Rgyud bi. Ma ag rgyud\nstod cha. English. 1992.R127.5.R49513\n1995615.53--dc2093-40282CIP
All outlines are presented exactly as in the root texts, except\nthat headings have been added, and,for example, in chapter two of\nthe Root Tantra very brief summaries of a number of chapters\nhavebeen interpolated in parentheses to afford the reader a glimpse\nof the unique Tibetan approach tovarious syndromes and treatments.\nThese interpolations are based on Dr. Yeshe Dondens teachingson the\nOral Instruction and other tantras. Interpolations in square\nbrackets [ ] are taken from the BlueAquamarine commentary and\nSpreading Tree commentary, whilst those in parentheses ( ) are\nderivedfrom the oral instructions of Dr. Yeshe Donden and Dr. Pema\nDorje. Examples of types of medicinesused in chapter five of the\nRoot Tantra were taken from the Spreading Tree commentary.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My deepest heartfelt thanks are due to the late\nDr. Kunga Phuntsok for his inspiration, limitlesskindness and help\nespecially during the months I spent with him in Lhasa, Tibet in\n1987. Throughouthis eighty-six years he supremely embodied all the\nteachings of the Medicine Buddha. My deepestheartfelt gratitude is\nalso due to Dr. Yeshe Donden, my teacher of eighteen years, who\ntrained me withthe kindness of the Medicine Buddha himself and who\nanswered countless questions to enable me toclarify many points in\nthe medicine tantras. To Dr. Pema Dorje, my first teacher, who\ninstructed mealmost daily for seven years, I express my profound\ngratitude, for his unfailing kindness, and patiencein answering my\nmanifold questions on the meaning of the tantras. Warmest thanks\nare also due to myfriends and mentors Dr. Toding Rinpoche, Dr.\nPasang Yonten, and also Dr. Tsewang Tamdin forspending many hours\nwith me dissecting the meanings of the tantras and their\ncommentaries. I am alsoextremely indebted to Professor Jyotir\nMitra, head of the department of Basic Principles of the facultyof\nAyurveda at Benares Hindu University, Uttar Pradesh, for his\ndiligent and enthusiastic appraisal of 2ff7e9595c