Symantec Ghost Solution Suite is an amazing and reliable corporate images and deployment solution which will let the companies ensure that their machines can migrate to other platform easily and safely. Symantec Ghost Solution Suite is an ideal application for IT experts who want their data to be safe all time. You can also download Deep Freeze Enterprise 8.
i haven't personally messed with fog much, but it is only sector based "cloning" (not file based like MDT or smartdeploy), so faster but less flexible and certainly not as robust as MDT, but it might work for you if your needs are "limited" enough, in which case maybe check out clonezilla as well.we used SCCM before, and had to drop it bc it just didnt scale well and became too big to try to maintain. its imaging is also based on the MDT backbone, it's easier to setup than MDT for imaging and it does some additional things out of the box very well like domain membership and bitlocker encrpytion (the encryption one was huge for us) which MDT does not very well. but ultimately SCCM is harder to crack open and customize than MDT. one cool thing about MDT over SCCM is that mdt logs into the machine with a local admin account to finish imaging, unlike SCCM that used a service account before it logged into any session which caused headaches trying to do some stuff. once you get to a point of understanding what MDT actually does during imaging under the hood with its wsf scripts, you can move to making your own imaging solution that is purely based on powershell scripts etc, which is where we are moving since MDT provides imaging over a samba share, and we're going to do it over http instead and we also see a certain level (2%?) of failures on MDT's part for various reasons we think we can avoid going the homebrew route. with bitlocker needs we just passed that duty onto MBAM (microsoft's bitlocker tool) and wrote custom powershell scripts for the domain stuff for things we lost with SCCM when we switched to MDT.but my vote is for MDT if you plan on supporting imaging. it will make things easier down the line i think, when the types of machines in your fleet and imaging desires grow. its really not too difficult to get going. just install windows server on a box, install WDS role for network booting, install MDT and ADK and create a winpe boot image (this is the imaging OS loaded onto a client for imaging) with MDT, add that to your WDS boot image and you can pxe boot and load winpe on a client machine, then just start messing with the MDT task sequence as you like.
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